Friday, June 27, 2008

Hi, I know some of you are shocked but I have finally started a blog. I thought it would be fun to do it so every one could see how our family is doing. Any one who would like to do one let me know and I will help you get started. It is so easy and thanks to Brandi I know how to do most of it. Here are some updated pictures of the family

Apsen fell on Linnie's wishing well today and I had to take her to the ER. She was really brave. It doesn't look bad but it was very deep. She hasn't had her tetanus shot so they gave her that. Lucky they just glued it together with Derma glue so she didn't have to get stitches. Hopefully it wont scare. I told her if she was brave then she could pick a treat so she picked gum. Later today Mandi's stomach hurt and she said mom if I am brave at the doctors when you take me then can I have Gum? Unfortunately for her she wasn't sick enough to go to the doctors but it sure was cute. We are all doing wonderful!!


Monica Polad said...

I love the blog! I am glad that Aspen is okay! You did awesome with the pictures! Does that mean you found the cord? The kids really are getting so big! Love ya lots and keep posting so I can have something fun to read! Love, Monica

Anonymous said...

Wow Autumn! Good job getting all the tickers done and starting to post already. I'm impressed!!!

Poor Aspen!
That is too funny about Mandi though! Your kids are so cute! We miss you guys already! Thanks for letting us come and stay! It was a blast.

RicAnn said...

Welcome to the Blogging World!!! You're days will never be the same :)
Your kids are adorable, as I had suspected. Sounds like you have some real troopers!

spaceyhawks said...

YAY!!!! I'm so happy you have joined us. I had so much fun seeing you even though it was for a short time, hopefully Josh and I can come spend sometime with you guys before the baby comes. Love you bunches!

LIZ said...

Wow it is amazing how big your kids have gotten. It has been so long since we saw all of you.
They are such little cuties. Hope you are doing well. Love ya!

TJ and Shaylee Voss said...

Your kids are so cute!